EDGE-Empowering the Delta with A Growing Economy
The Community Students Learning Center’s EDGE (Empowering the Delta with a Growing Economy), funded by HUD, partners with community, business, and government agencies to implement a multifaceted approach which generates jobs, job training, housing counseling, housing, and entrepreneurialism; which builds a foundation to overcome poverty and develop self-sufficiency.
In an effort to address poverty in the Holmes County community, EDGE provides job training. The goal of the job training program is to deliver a more consistent pool of job-ready candidates with skills and qualifications to gain entry-level employment, with a particular focus on health care service, green, and hospitality occupations. The goal for this program is to provide direct job training to 100 adults and 50 teenagers. As of August 2013, the EDGE job training program has exceeded its goal.
EDGE provides a “soft skills” training to the citizens of Holmes County by implementing a four-week, researched-based, job readiness training curriculum (developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation), which is designed as a “first step” in preparing individuals with the core soft skills they need to secure and maintain entry-level jobs and to become good candidates for advancement in their job positions. Kendra Smith, EDGE Job Training Specialist, conducts the training.
The objectives of this four- week curriculum is to:
- prepare individuals for work,
- provide job-seekers with the necessary pre-employment skills,
- empower individuals for success, and
- promote job retention and advancement
There are six sections in the curriculum and each section has multiple lessons. Some lessons cover more than one topic. Each lesson has several exercises and activities to provide real practice for skill development.
For more information, contact Mrs. Gail Brown, CSLC/EDGE Project Director or Mrs. Beulah Greer, Executive Director at 662-834-0905.